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How To Generate Leads On LinkedIn: Expert Advice from the VP of Marketing

How To Generate Leads On LinkedIn from the VP of Marketing
Photo: Unsplash.com

LinkedIn is often overlooked for lead generation and is perceived primarily as an employment platform. However, LinkedIn is a powerful tool for acquiring B2B clients, with 82% of B2B marketers finding significant success on the channel. Unlike other social media platforms, LinkedIn users are professionals seeking business growth. This makes LinkedIn ideal for generating leads, particularly from the C-suite.

Leveraging LinkedIn for Lead Generation

LinkedIn offers a unique user base focused on professional content. It has transitioned from a recruitment hub to a thriving professional network, with content impressions significantly surpassing job listing views. This shift highlights LinkedIn’s potential for business growth and lead generation.

Building a Strong LinkedIn Presence

  1. Optimize Executive Profiles: Ensure your executives’ profiles are complete, professional, and SEO-friendly. Include skills, qualifications, and accomplishments, along with high-quality images. This portrays trustworthiness and authority, essential for attracting leads.
  2. Create a Company Page: Establish a dynamic LinkedIn page for your business. Populate it with engaging, relevant content. This helps shape discussions in your business space, drawing in more leads.

Content Strategy for Lead Generation

  1. Regular Updates: Post regularly to demonstrate expertise and establish thought leadership. Use a mix of content types, including long-form articles, images, and videos. Highlight company milestones, new hires, and employee achievements to boost engagement.
  2. Employee Engagement: Encourage employees to share and react to posts. This increases visibility and humanizes your business, fostering credibility and trust within your audience.

Engaging with the LinkedIn Community

  1. Join Relevant Groups: Participate in groups related to your industry to build brand awareness and establish authority. Share original content, engage in discussions, and provide valuable insights to foster relationships and generate leads.
  2. Solicit Opinions: Engage with your connections to get recommendations for relevant groups. This helps reinforce existing relationships and provides practical information for expanding your network.

Leveraging LinkedIn’s Paid Products

  1. Sponsored Content: Use LinkedIn’s paid products to reach a targeted audience. Ensure ads have clear headlines, high-quality images, and effective calls to action. A/B testing can help optimize your campaigns.
  2. Lead Gen Forms: Enable LinkedIn’s Lead Gen Forms to capture profile data, improving lead quality. Use features like Audience Expansion and LinkedIn Audience Network to broaden your reach.

Consistency and Active Engagement

  1. Content Calendar: Establish a content calendar for regular posting and engagement. Use LinkedIn analytics to understand audience behavior and optimize posting times.
  2. Current Customer Connections: Connect with existing customers and explore their networks for potential leads. Ask for referrals and introductions, leveraging your network to generate new leads.


LinkedIn is more than a recruitment platform; it’s a powerful tool for generating leads and building brand awareness. By optimizing profiles, engaging with the community, and leveraging paid products, you can establish your business as a thought leader and attract valuable B2B clients. With a strategic approach, LinkedIn can significantly enhance your lead generation efforts and business growth.

For expert tips on generating leads on LinkedIn, check out this insightful article by our Marketing VP. Click the link to learn more: Generate Leads On LinkedIn: Expert Advice from the Marketing VP.

Published by: Holy Minoza

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