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Dr. Majid Riaziat Unveils ‘The Age of Simorgh’ Vision

Dr. Majid Riaziat Unveils ‘The Age of Simorgh’ Vision
Photo: Unsplash.com

In an era where the boundaries between human capability and technological advancement blur, Dr. Majid Riaziat emerges as a visionary, guiding humanity through what he describes as the “Dawn of the Age of Simorgh.” 

His seminal work, “The Age of Simorgh: Planning for Human Convergence with Technology,” offers an unprecedented glimpse into a future where humans and technology meld, forging a path toward a utopian society.

Dr. Riaziat’s journey into this field is backed by his extensive experience as a scientist and entrepreneur. With a Ph.D. in Applied Physics from Stanford University and key roles in leading technology companies, his insights into the convergence of humans and technology are not only theoretical but grounded in practical achievements.

“The Age of Simorgh” is not merely a book; it’s a blueprint for the future of humanity. Dr. Riaziat posits that society stand on the precipice of a new age where machine-assisted collective decision-making will minimize human supervision, leading to the creation of Sovereign IntelliMatic ORGanizations of Humans (SIMORGHs). This concept represents not just technological evolution but a transformative shift in how people perceive relationships with machines.

Drawing from over two decades of expertise, Dr. Riaziat explores various facets of this convergence in his book. From governance formed through intelligence centers to the nuanced dynamics between augmented humans and automation, each chapter delves deep into what the collective future could entail.

One might wonder about the implications such advancements could have on societal constructs like jobs, government, and personal autonomy. Dr. Riaziat addresses these concerns head-on, presenting well-thought-out arguments for how automation might create more specialized roles rather than replace jobs outright. He also envisions a society where governance by algorithms could offer fairer, less corruptible systems than those managed solely by humans.

Perhaps one of the most intriguing aspects Dr. Riaziat discusses is the concept of Simorgh itself—a collective entity formed through advanced AI integration with human intelligence. This idea challenges the traditional notions of individuality and community, suggesting a future where collaboration extends beyond mere teamwork to become an integrated existence.

Such profound changes inevitably raise questions about identity control, thought patterns within these entities, and even how they would reproduce or evolve over time. “The Age of Simorgh” doesn’t shy away from these discussions; instead, it embraces them, offering readers food for thought on every page.

Beyond exploring potential futures, Dr. Riaziat also tackles pressing issues like AI militarization’s risks and ethical considerations around genetic engineering and brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). These discussions are vital for ensuring that as people move forward with technological integration, they do so responsibly.

For those interested in further exploring Dr. Riaziat’s vision for the shared future with technology, “The Age of Simorgh” provides comprehensive insights accompanied by an appendix that includes references to large numbers theory and scales and layers reality—underscoring the depth at which this convergence can be understood.

Dr. Majid Riaziat’s work isn’t speculative fiction; it’s a call to action for thinkers, policymakers, technologists, and citizens to engage with these ideas actively—to contemplate their implications deeply—and to prepare themselves for what lies ahead in this thrilling new age.

Discover more about “The Age of Simorgh: Planning for Human Convergence with Technology” on Amazon or follow Dr. Riaziat’s engaging discussions on Facebook at www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61563816107812 or YouTube at www.youtube.com/@TechTonic-dz2gr.

Published by: Josh Tatunay

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