John Evans, a debut author, has unveiled his pulse-pounding novel “Midnight Falls,” marking his entry into the world of horror fiction. Evans, who is also known for his “Tobias Halson Vampire Hunter” series and various short stories, draws inspiration from the legendary works of Stephen King and Gary Brandner. His passion for old-school horror and his desire to provide readers with Lovecraftian escapism in a world full of real-life fears shape his storytelling.
“Midnight Falls” revolves around Josh Blevins, a young man who, after a string of disappointments at college, returns to his small hometown with his loyal dog by his side. Despite feeling like a failure and finding himself at a crossroads, Josh begins to rebuild his life, forming new friendships and a romantic interest. However, the seemingly quaint and welcoming façade of Midnight Falls conceals a sinister evil lurking beneath its surface.
The town he once considered home is filled with hidden dangers. The malevolence that pervades Midnight Falls is not only ingrained in the town’s history but is also embodied by the monsters that roam its streets. The real challenge lies in identifying who to trust, as anyone could be hiding a monstrous secret behind a mask of hospitality. Josh’s encounters with the hostile sheriff, who harbors a personal grudge against him, further complicate his struggle to find his place in the town.
“Midnight Falls” is not just a story of personal redemption but also a tale of survival against otherworldly threats. The novel’s unique take on the werewolf trope, featuring adlets as the central monsters, sets it apart from typical horror narratives. Adlets, creatures rooted in Inuit mythology, provide a fresh and intriguing twist, offering a break from the traditional werewolf lore. This fresh approach, combined with the book’s 80s throwback plot, offers readers a nostalgic yet thrilling experience.
The journey to publishing “Midnight Falls” was long and challenging for Evans, taking 15 years to find the right publishing home. This perseverance and dedication are reflected in the novel’s intricate storytelling and well-developed characters. Evans’ ability to blend traditional horror elements with unique twists demonstrates his potential as a significant new voice in the horror genre.
Evans’ influences are evident in his writing style, which echoes the suspense and intensity of Stephen King’s narratives and the atmospheric horror of Gary Brandner’s works. However, Evans adds his distinct touch, crafting a story that resonates with modern readers while paying homage to classic horror. His portrayal of Midnight Falls as a character in itself, with its eerie ambiance, abhorrent hate, and dark secrets, enhances the novel’s immersive experience.
The character of Josh Blevins is relatable and complex, embodying the struggles of young adulthood and the quest for identity and purpose. His journey is one of self-discovery and resilience, as he confronts both internal and external demons. The relationships he forms, and the enemies he faces, are portrayed with depth and nuance, making the reader invested in his fate.
John Evans’ debut novel is a must-read for fans of horror fiction, especially those who appreciate a blend of classic and contemporary elements. His work promises to deliver the suspense and excitement that horror enthusiasts crave while offering a fresh perspective on familiar themes. “Midnight Falls” stands out not only for its thrilling plot but also for its emotional depth and richly drawn setting.
For more information about John Evans and his works, visit his website at or his publisher’s page at Follow him on these platforms to stay updated on his latest projects and upcoming releases and to dive deeper into the world of “Midnight Falls” and beyond.
Published by: Nelly Chavez