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Hosting Halloween Every Day: Meet Haunterpreneur Josh Holder

Hosting Halloween Every Day Meet Haunterpreneur Josh Holder
Photo Courtesy: IM FROM DENVER Media / Josh Holder

By: Elizabeth Galewski

Denver’s haunted house, The Frightmare Compound, is never the same. Every year, the scares and scenes change.

“We always keep people guessing and raise the bar every season,” says Josh Holder, owner of The Frightmare Compound. “That’s why Frightmare has become a Halloween tradition for thousands of returning guests every year.”

Rich lore surrounds The Frightmare Compound’s founding, though the truth might be even stranger than fiction. Holder has turned a seasonal business into a year-round career, leading a Halloween industry to whole new levels of scary.

The Frightmare Compound

The Frightmare Compound includes a haunted house, a monster museum, escape rooms, and — for those of strong enough constitution to endure it — a ride that simulates being buried alive.

“What makes this property unique to other haunted houses are the sets, props, and setting,” Holder explains. “We are located in an old swamp, are half-indoor and half-outdoor, and our props and sets are real. We use real tombstones in our graveyard, real mining equipment in our underground mineshaft, real antique cars, real airplanes… You get the point. We want realism. I want our guests to be in awe. We give them a full horror experience.”

Based on those guests’ reviews, Holder has successfully delivered that experience. The Frightmare Compound has been described by visitors as one of the leading haunted houses in the US. It has also been featured on respected rating sites like DenverHauntedHouses.com and TheChive.com, as well as Fox 31 News and many other media outlets. Yet Holder isn’t content to rest on these laurels. Instead, he continues to pursue ambitious plans for next Halloween.

“This season, we’re building a full swamp bayou scene with swamp houses, docks, ponds and water features, a wrecked airplane, and more,” he says. “This is going to be one heck of a haunted house scene. We want our guests to feel like they are in a true swampy, slimy bayou. We can’t wait to finish this scene and showcase it to our guests.”

Founding The Frightmare Compound

The Frightmare Compound has been terrifying its victims for over 40 years. Holder’s father, Brad Holder, founded the business in 1983 but tragically fell ill with cancer and passed away in 1999.

The family kept the haunted house going until Josh was old enough to take over and turn it into the staple it is today. Even as a child, Josh took an interest in spooky things.

“Growing up, I always loved the haunted house and watching everything that went into it every year,” he says. “Operating a haunted house was all I knew from a young age. I helped clean up and pick up trash after school and begged my parents to let me and my friends work as ‘monsters’ on school nights and weekends. I have never known an October without having a haunted house in my backyard.”

When Holder was 18, he slowly transitioned to taking on more responsibility. Still, he viewed his involvement as temporary. He went to pilot school with the goal of flying airplanes for a living, but in the end, he wasn’t destined to become a pilot.

“The summer I turned 19 is when everything clicked for me, and I really saw how lucky I was to carry on my dad’s legacy while making money doing what I loved to do,” he says. That’s when he started to take the helm of the business in earnest.

Today, Holder doesn’t just run The Frightmare Compound. He also lives in it.

Living the Dream at the Frightmare Compound

“I eat, sleep, and literally live Halloween every day,” Holder says. “Even my house is on the same property as the attraction. The Frightmare Compound is actually built on the back side of my property.”

No, the Host of Halloween doesn’t live in a Halloween-themed house. “I get plenty of Halloween when I walk out my back door,” he says with a laugh. “No scary decor in the house.”

While making nightmares come alive might be his work, he describes living onsite as “a dream come true.” “It makes for a super short commute to work,” he explains.

Another way The Frightmare Compound makes dreams come true is by supporting charitable initiatives.

The Frightmare Compound Gives Back to the Community

“As much as we love to scare guests and give our clientele an amazing Halloween experience, we are proud of our ability to give back to those in need,” Holder says. “Here at Frightmare, we have been blessed enough to donate hundreds of thousands of dollars to a cause we believe in.”

The Frightmare Compound also opens its doors to underprivileged families and helps them get into the spirit of Halloween.

“Every year, we donate Halloween costumes and haunted house tickets to kids and families in need,” Holder says. “We know everyone goes through hardships in life, and we want to give them a brief escape from reality, even if it’s only an adventure through a haunted house in which they don’t have to think about their pains, hardships, and bills. We love to put a smile and laughter in everyone’s hearts, even if it is in between screams.”

Have an Unforgettable Halloween at the Frightmare Compound

The Frightmare Compound offers more than a traditional haunted house—it’s a diverse horror-themed experience. Visitors can expect moments of fright mixed with fun, including the chance to capture memorable photos with costumed characters. For a unique Halloween outing, consider planning a visit to The Frightmare Compound.

Published by: Josh Tatunay

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