Entertainment Monthly News

Tameka Citchen-Spruce: Advocating, Educating, and Creating

Tameka Citchen-Spruce: Advocating, Educating, and Creating
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Tameka Citchen-Spruce is a disabled female film producer and a force to be reckoned with. She’s a woman who knows the importance of representation in media, especially for marginalized communities. From a young age, Tameka realized the absence of her own story – a black woman with a physical disability – on television and in film. She saw this lack of representation as a call to action, not just for herself but for many others whose stories were also missing.

A well-known advocate for access to affordable and accessible housing, voting rights for people with disabilities, racial and gender justice, and health equity, Tameka didn’t let societal barriers limit her dreams. Even when faced with discriminatory roadblocks, like being denied admission to a video production program due to her disability, Tameka persevered, fueled by her passion for storytelling and belief in herself.

Tameka’s tenacity led her to produce “My Girl Story”, a powerful documentary that shares the struggles of two African American girls from Detroit fighting to become the young women they dream to be. It’s a film that showcases the power of determination and resilience. It’s a story that has resonated with many, earning international acclaim and available on Tubi and Amazon Prime.

But her journey doesn’t end there. Tameka continues to push boundaries, currently working on a documentary, #AutisticWhileBlack, and a reality show in collaboration with Dr. Donna Walton from Divas with Disabilities Project. Both projects reflect her ongoing dedication to elevating stories that celebrate diversity, challenge societal norms, and inspire change.

On top of her filmmaking endeavors, Tameka is an esteemed advocate and leader in her community. Her relentless dedication to advocacy has not gone unnoticed, with her set to receive a disability advocate award from the American Public Health Association in November 2023.

Tameka’s life mantra? Believe in yourself, especially when others don’t. She is proof that with belief, passion, and dedication, you can create change. Not just for yourself, but for others who see themselves in your story.

“Success means to me that I accomplish what I set out to do. It’s easy to dream, but it’s another thing to make it a reality. So success is accomplishing my goals and living the life I want.” – Tameka Citchen-Spruce

To learn more about Tameka Citchen-Spruce and her powerful work, please visit www.tamekacitchenspruce.com or find her on LinkedIn and Facebook under her name. Don’t forget to watch “My Girl Story” available on Tubi and Amazon Prime.

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