Entertainment Monthly News

Digital Lizards of Doom Teams Up With ComicBooks For Kids and ComicBooks For Troops, Brings Hope to Hospitalized Children and Military

Clover Press and Gabriel Valentin, author of Digital Lizards of Doom, are joining forces with the national charities ComicBooks For Kids and ComicBooks For Troops to bring the thrilling world of the graphic novel to children and soldiers worldwide. The partnership aims to spread the message of hope in these troubling times, especially to those who are going through a rough patch.

Digital Lizards of Doom is a space fantasy comedy adventure series that diverts from the traditional graphic novel format. Gabriel Valentin wanted to present the story by outlining it in text messages to keep readers of all ages engaged and interested. Inspired by video adventure games and Saturday morning cartoon shows, Digital Lizards of Doom will surely take readers on an adventure.

As the plot goes, Digital Lizards of Doom revolves around a young lizard named Dizzy Doom, who lives under the tutelage of intergalactic monks. The monks have merged science and sorcery many ages ago to defeat an evil entity, Commander E.K.O. The fall of the villain left the world in harmony and prosperity. But as generations passed, the union between science and sorcery became frail. Hence the rise of Commander E.K.O again. But Dizzy Doom, together with his friends, a mysterious ninja, and a cyborg cat pirate, aims to find a fabled weapon to destroy evil and bring peace to the world.

“The entire story is outer space comedic fun and takes place in a far-fetched universe where an ancient pineapple demon, Pineapple Pete, has trapped the characters unknowingly inside a video game simulation, and the only way out is to play by his rules. It is the Matrix meets Star Wars meets SpongeBob and an all-around wacky fun roller coaster ride filled to the brim with easter eggs and pop culture moments,” shared the author.

ComicBooks For Kids and ComicBooks For Troops realized how ample an opportunity it would be to partner with Gabriel Valentin. Digital Lizards of Doom is perfect for readers of all ages. The artistry behind the graphic novel is capable of captivating both the children and the troops who benefit from the trow organizations.

ComicBooks For Kids and ComicBooks For Troops have provided pop culture items like comic books, coloring books, graphic novels, and more across the country. They have partnered with over 170 hospitals and cancer centers in the United States and supported the military with generous donations. “We can’t wait to get this into the hands of children and members of the armed services for incredible escapism and fun,” said Mark Weiss, founder of ComicBooks for Kids.

“The world of Digital Lizards of Doom came from my friend and I talking for years about why no one has made an adventure story that took all of our favorite things and wrapped it up in a big ol’ sandwich of awesome! Simply put, it is a massive love letter to the books, movies, games, and TV shows and has defined pop culture fandom,” shared the author.

Created with optimism and imagination, Digital Lizards of Doom will surely leave an impact among readers of all ages worldwide. To learn more about the unique graphic novel, visit their website.


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