Entertainment Monthly News

Social Media Encourages E-Cigarette Use. Here’s How to “De-Influence” Yourself

Photo: Unsplash.com

If there’s one thing that’s drilled into people by public health campaigns, it’s that cigarettes are extremely dangerous for one’s health. But there aren’t many similar precautions in place for newer, trendier products like e-cigarettes—which were only introduced in the early 2000s. Instead, they’re currently touted as a safer, healthier alternative to cigarettes. As a result, CNN reports that cigarette use in the US is at an all-time low, dropping from 15.5% to 11% between 2016 and 2023. Conversely, more people now vape. Between 2022 and 2023 alone, e-cigarette use among Americans rose from 4.9% to 6%. 

Researchers believe there’s one major reason behind this trend: influencers. The more they promote vapes on social media, the more people use them. Read on to learn more about this phenomenon—and, if you’ve fallen for it, how you can “de-influence” yourself. 

Social media, influencers, and vapes 

Recent studies published in Tobacco Control found that promotional visual content related to e-cigarettes makes viewers more likely to use these products themselves. That’s especially apparent on Instagram, where researchers tracked over 600 vape brands worldwide implementing this tactic. By tapping influencers trusted by their large followings—and on a social media platform that values aesthetic appeal, no less—companies are able to grow their user bases more.

But why do influencers agree to promote these products despite what’s currently known about their adverse health effects? Read How Endorsements Can Elevate Your Celebrity Status. Aside from promoting their own visibility online, influencers who publish promotional content can also generate lucrative opportunities to increase their earning potential. So, while the government has yet to regulate marketing for vapes, it’s up to users influenced by social media to “de-influence” themselves. If you’re one of them, here’s what you can do. 

How to de-influence yourself

Understand the dangers of e-cigarettes

If your favorite influencer pulled you into the habit of vaping by virtue of their health benefits and aesthetics, the first step to de-influencing yourself is to learn more about how dangerous they are. Sure, they’re less unhealthy than cigarettes—but that’s it. They’re not entirely risk-free. Inhaling any kind of smoke or vapor into your lungs is ultimately harmful. 

Medical News Today emphasizes that e-cigarettes still contain ingredients like diacetyl, heavy metals, and volatile organic compounds. They also have many of the same chemicals cigarettes do, just at much lower levels. Vaping can even cause unique health conditions like “popcorn lung,” which causes permanent damage. After understanding these dangers, you may thus want to:

Take steps to quit

Understand your triggers. Determine why you vape so you can replace this habit with healthier coping mechanisms. If stress triggers you, for example, you can journal instead of picking up an e-cigarette. You can also avail of professional services like cognitive behavioral therapy to help uncover the key motivations behind your vaping use. 

Switch to smokeless alternatives. Have a strategy in place for dealing with withdrawal symptoms. Alternative nicotine products like pouches and lozenges can help you quit e-cigarette use gradually. Pouches are small packets that contain nicotine doses of up to 12mg, perfect for light to heavy vapers. The catalog of nicotine pouches available on Prilla shows that they even come in a similar range of flavors to vape juices—from mint and citrus varieties to coffee and cinnamon—which can make the transition from e-cigarettes easier. Nicotine lozenges, which are similar to candy, are also a good option. Though they offer more limited flavors, Verywell notes that brands like Nicorette still provide light doses of 2mg to 4mg. That can be useful for people who either vape less or are near the end of their quit-vaping journey. 

Seek support. Vaping is as addictive as smoking and can thus be just as challenging to quit—so don’t hesitate to ask for help if you need it. Build a support system of loved ones who can motivate you as you actively de-influence yourself away from the habit. If you have friends who vape, ask them not to do so around you to help prevent relapse. And for more relevant, research-backed advice, you can turn to free programs like This is Quitting. Just text DITCHVAPE to 88709 to receive help anonymously.  

Spread the word

With fewer regulations around them, e-cigarettes are soaring in popularity thanks to social media. De-influencing yourself through education and quitting vaping can help you avoid the health issues these products cause—and that brands are hiding from you. Pay it forward by spreading what you now know about e-cigarettes on your own social media profiles. That way, you can de-influence others, too!


Published By: Aize Perez

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