Entertainment Monthly News

Michella Filipowitz: DR Family Foundation making Change for Children with Disabilities

Michella Filipowitz DR Family Foundation making Change for Children with Disabilities
Photo Courtesy: Michella Filipowitz

By: Maria Williams

At just 15 years old, Michella Filipowitz left home to pursue a modeling career in Paris. However, her journey took an unexpected turn, evolving from fashion to philanthropy. Today, Michella is known for her work advocating for children with special needs through the DR Family Foundation, an organization she co-founded to give children with disabilities the tools and opportunities they need to thrive.

Michella’s early career as a model exposed her to both the beauty and harsh realities of the world. The pressures of the fashion industry left her searching for something more fulfilling, leading her to pivot to art dealing. “There’s something magical about owning a piece of art that tells a personal story,” she says. This passion for connecting with people’s stories is what eventually shaped her philanthropic work.

By the time she was 23, Michella’s life took another turn when she became a single mother. Her son Benjamin was diagnosed with autism at the age of three, an experience that pushed her to become a fierce advocate for children with special needs. “Being Benjamin’s mom taught me that we need to accept and support children for who they are,” she shares. “They don’t choose the circumstances they are born into, and it’s up to society to help them succeed.”

One of Michella’s biggest challenges came when she started searching for schools for Benjamin. Many institutions were unwilling to accept children with disabilities, and she quickly learned that the school system often excludes children on the autism spectrum. “Mainstream schools saw Benjamin as too disruptive, and they wanted to put him in special programs that would isolate him,” she explains. But Michella knew that wasn’t the answer. “All children deserve to be part of the community,” she says. “Segregating them only makes it harder for them to succeed.”

With a deep understanding of the financial and emotional struggles that come with raising a child with special needs, Michella decided to co-found the DR Family Foundation to help other families. The foundation helps children with disabilities gain access to education by paying school fees and offering other resources to ensure they are integrated into society. “We want to give every child a chance at a better future, regardless of their background or disability,” she says.

The DR Family Foundation has had a profound impact on the lives of many families in Australia. Michella’s vision for the foundation is centered around creating a supportive environment where children with disabilities can thrive. The foundation is working on several projects, including building a shelter for children in difficult family situations, offering them a safe place to live and grow. “We want to make sure no child is left behind,” Michella emphasizes.

Another of Michella’s projects is forming a soccer team for children with disabilities in Australia. “Sports can bring children together and help them feel like they belong,” she explains. “It’s about building confidence, resilience, and friendships in a supportive environment.”

Michella’s commitment to creating inclusive spaces extends beyond the foundation’s programs. She believes that schools and communities need to embrace diversity and teach children to respect one another, no matter their abilities. “Diversity makes us stronger,” she says. “We need to create an environment where all children feel empowered and valued.”

Through her work with the DR Family Foundation, Michella is breaking down barriers for children with disabilities, providing them with the tools they need to succeed and promoting a more inclusive society. “Every child deserves the chance to thrive,” she concludes. “And we’re here to make that happen.”

To follow Michella’s work and stay updated on the foundation’s initiatives, visit her on Instagram @princessmichella.

Published by: Martin De Juan

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