Entertainment Monthly News

RusRek: Will Help You Interact with the Migrants

RusRek Will Help You Interact with the Migrants
Photo: Unsplash.com

By: Svetlana Nesmelya

Migration has happened before, migration exists now, and migration will definitely happen in the future. There is no doubt about it. Thousands and tens of thousands of years have proven it. It so happened that people cannot sit in one place. They are always looking for a better location to live. This desire is easy to explain, because there is freedom of movement. In the early stages of human development, this freedom was limited only by the capabilities of the first means of transport.

In general, people used to migrate out of primitive beliefs. Of course, no one thought about a career, developing innovations, and so on. People needed food and a safe place to live. To achieve this result, people changed their place of residence.

Today, humanity is many times more modern and has other motivations for migration. We think you know what we are talking about. This is the need to earn big money, the unwillingness to live in conditions of military conflicts, the desire to be in a safe democratic environment, and so on.

There are many countries that are popular destinations for migrants. In particular, this is Europe (mainly Western). However, the undisputed leader from this point of view is the United States. No country in the world can compete with the United States in any way. Germany is “trying the hardest”: about 16 million migrants live on its territory. For comparison: about 50 migrants live in the United States, that is, people who came from other countries make up 15% of the population.

What drives modern migrants who want to move to the United States? As in the previous century, an important factor is the military conflicts that break out in Europe. In the 20th century, these were, of course, the First World War and the Second World War. Today, unfortunately, the Russian-Ukrainian war, which began in 2022, is still ongoing.

It led to the fact that in 2023 alone, more than 11,000 people left Ukraine to move to the United States. And this is only official data. All these people become expats.

There are a huge number of them in the USA. And companies that know how to find an approach to such migrants can help them adapt and earn a lot of money. RusRek helps companies with this.

RusRek is a platform with 30 years of experience. It was developed to support migrants in the USA. The platform operates using several tools. We will briefly review them.

RusRek Website 

This is the RusRek Internet platform, designed to inform migrants. Here you can read the news, see advertisements of certain services, and so on. In addition, migrants can make new acquaintances here, and create interest groups.

The website has a blog. It is divided into 5 categories: migration, health, crimes, economics and news. In just a few clicks, a migrant can go to the website and get all the latest and important information.

Radio Station 

Its frequency is 96.3 FM. For example, while traveling in a car, a person can get acquainted with the latest achievements in the world of culture, technology, art, and so on. Here, the realities of New York, the United States as a whole, and other countries are considered. The radio station is perfect for Russian-speaking expats, since radio broadcasts are conducted in the native language of migrants.

With the help of the radio station, you can conveniently plan your leisure time. Here you can hear announcements of cultural and sports events. For example, we are talking about concerts, festivals, shows, film premieres, and much more.

Particular attention is paid to healthcare. Radio hosts talk in an interesting manner about the latest achievements of the American medical system. For example, we are talking about the treatment of diseases, the latest equipment, and so on. Attention is paid to US insurance medicine, which migrants who have only recently moved to the country may not immediately get used to.

Printed Edition 

This option is liked by those people who like to read news on paper. You can get the RusRek newspaper in the New York subway.

What RusRek can offer companies 

  • Analytics obtained as a result of marketing research. RusRek allows companies not to conduct such research themselves, but to use existing developments. With the help of analytical data, you can better adapt your product to the target audience of migrants.
  • Comprehensive promotion. You can entrust RusRek specialists with the full promotion of your service or product. In this case, your involvement in the process will be almost completely excluded.
  • Advertising platform. Companies can use the RusRek website as a free platform for placing commercial ads.

As you can see, RusRek is a real find for US businesses that want to interact with migrants.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not provide legal advice. For immigration or legal services, consult a qualified attorney.


Published by: Khy Talara


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