Entertainment Monthly News

Harmony Found: Marquita Moore’s Journey Beyond the Music Industry

Marquita Moore Harmony Found Beyond Music Industry_2
Photo Courtesy: How I Grew Today

By: Michael L. Miller

In life, there often comes a moment when we must confront the reality that the road we’ve been traveling may not lead to the fulfillment we seek. It’s a pivotal moment of introspection, a turning point where one must summon the courage to veer off the beaten track and embark on a journey to the unknown. Author and social media influencer Marquita Moore understands this journey intimately, and she invites others to join her in her latest book, Feeling God: Search + Connect + Be, and on her transformative digital platform, How I Grew Today.

By the time she was 30, Moore had established herself as a host and moderator for BET and Oxygen networks and as executive shaping global hip hop trends at Shawn Carter Enterprises and Roc Nation. Intertwined with the glitz and glamor of Hollywood, her career trajectory was promising. But beneath the veneer of success, Moore grappled with an internal turmoil—a nagging sense that she wasn’t living authentically.

“On the outside, I appeared to be successful, but on the inside, I knew I wasn’t being my authentic self,” Moore reveals. “I had no idea how to access who that even was.”

Driven by a desire for genuine fulfillment, Moore made a bold decision: to walk away from the conventional path and chart a new course guided by her inner compass. It was a leap of faith—one fraught with uncertainty—but it marked the launch of a profound process of self-discovery.

“Taking that first step seemed impossible, but once I committed, it was a whole new beginning for me,” Moore shares.

Marquita Moore Harmony Found Beyond Music Industry
Photo Courtesy: How I Grew Today

Breaking free from the shackles of societal expectations, Moore allowed herself to start “unraveling,” which she describes as a period that was simultaneously both daunting and liberating. This led to the creation of How I Grew Today, a digital sanctuary dedicated to fostering self-reflection, healing and spiritual growth.

“At How I Grew Today, we encourage individuals to explore who they are and what they want out of life,” Moore explains. “It’s about embracing authenticity and finding strength in vulnerability.”

With warmth, wisdom, and a dash of sass, How I Grew Today has become a haven for individuals from all walks of life, offering a myriad of resources and support, from heartfelt reflections to practical advice on topics ranging from cooking to fashion.

Moore’s journey found its culmination in Feeling God: Search + Connect + Be, a book that serves as both a roadmap and a companion for those navigating their own paths to self-discovery. Part workbook, part inspirational guide, Feeling God encourages readers to be introspective, guiding them toward a deeper connection with their most authentic selves.

“Through the book, I encourage people to ask themselves the tough questions,” Moore shares. “It’s about reconnecting with your heart and embracing everything that comes with it.”

As an author and social influencer, Moore’s message resonates far and wide, touching the lives of countless individuals who aspire to live with purpose. Her own experience serves as a reminder that true fulfillment comes not from external accolades but from the courage to listen to the voice within.

As Moore puts it, “I’ve finally reached a space in my life where I am free to be me. Now, through Feeling God and How I Grew Today, I hope to inspire others to do the same.”

Published by: Martin De Juan

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