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Dr. Marcea Burnette Whitaker on Empowering Successful Women to Overcome Life’s Challenges

Any person’s long-standing success is never without any struggles and challenges as a person basks in its glory. Women, for instance, encounter all sorts of trials even when they achieve success in their respective careers or businesses. Physician, CEO, and Life Coach Dr. Marcea Burnette Whitaker knows this reality all too well, having experienced it for herself. As peoples’ success expands, the possibility of experiencing more disruptions becomes even greater. It is for this reason that she established powerful initiatives that are designed to give women the tools and encouragement they need to overcome life’s biggest curveballs. 

Dr. Marcea Burnette Whitaker is the founder and CEO of In Full Bloom Health and Life Coaching, the home of Women Ready to Move Academy. She has been named by USA Today as one of the top fifteen entrepreneurs to keep an eye out for as a result of her exceptional performance. She has also been featured in Courageous Woman and Columbia Inspired Magazines. Dr. Whitaker received the GroundBreakerMilestone Achievement Award presented by Dr. Sonja Stribling, the leading life and business strategist for women. 

“As a professional woman, a physician, a former pastor’s wife, a mother, I understand the pressure professional women feel and encounter while answering the call to their potential,” Dr. Whitaker shared. “When women share their stories, I hear what they say and, equally important, what they don’t say. I identify their challenges and then draw out the solutions.”

With more than 25 years of experience as a practicing physician, Dr. Whitaker understands full well how powerful the mind can be and the role it plays in life and health overall. Seeing the importance of having the proper mindset, she made it her personal mission to help women achieve freedom from their setbacks and crippling fears in life. In helping them find the right answers, she hopes to be instrumental in liberating women from the things that keep them from enjoying life to the fullest. 

The next few years will be an exceptionally exciting season for Dr. Marcea Burnette Whitaker as she strives to elevate her advocacy and personal brand. She is committed to transforming her brand into a multi-million dollar business while empowering countless women through her speaking engagements and literary works. Long-term, she envisions herself making a lasting impact on more women to help shape a new generation of fearless, empowered, and successful individuals.

“I have a calling to serve women, those who are ready to move from where they are, those who are ready to step out of the shadow and fulfill their God-given purpose. Those that are ready to help others to their destiny,” she explained. 

Dr. Marcea Burnette Whitaker hopes to send out a message to everyone out there who has ever felt frustrated about their current situation despite their seemingly successful careers. At the end of the day, she believes that the difference between where they are and where they want to go is a matter of deciding to do something different today. In order to get somewhere they have not been before, women must decide to step out in faith and do something they have not done before. 

Learn more about Dr. Marcea Burnette Whitaker and In Full Bloom Health and Life Coaching by visiting this website. Check out her Facebook page for updates on her latest projects. 

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