Entertainment Monthly News

Up-and-Coming Actor Kadeem Brown on Losing Sleep to Chase a Dream

Dreams are often reflections of childhood wishes. For rising social media star Kadeem Brown, this childhood wish has been 29 years in the making. After spending most of that time being discouraged and held back, he is finally planting one foot in front of the other and breaking into a run toward the gates of the entertainment industry.

Born and raised in Newburgh, New York, Kadeem Brown has always nursed an interest in the arts. From the moment he could speak to his first play at the age of 12, he knew he wanted to make his way in the world as an artist.

“From then on, the arts have always come back full circle every time I stray away from it,” he recalls. “Whether it was in junior high school being in a drama class or high school finding myself singing in a small choral group, expressing myself in the arts has always found its way back to me.”

Exploring his boundless potential in school cemented the idea of pursuing a career in the arts. However, life after high school graduation soon cracked Kadeem’s rose-colored glasses, and after being tirelessly told by those around him that his dreams were futile, he walked away. 

Under the influence of people who sought to dictate his every move, Kadeem pushed himself and tried to fit into the mold they had set out for him. He made countless hasty decisions for their approval, such as going back to college at 21 and leaving with a bachelor’s degree in business four years later.

Although the degree did wonders for his business, the years spent earning it left a gaping hole in Kadeem’s chest. With his dreams placed indefinitely on the back burner, he built a stellar reputation helping small businesses establish their brand and grow their reach. He did impressively well in his new profession, but it was not what he wanted.

“When you don’t have a reason other than money, it is easy to find every reason to give up,” he shares. So he quit. After years of putting off his desire to go into acting, Kadeem Brown began to close the hollow space within him and run for his dreams at breakneck speed. Holding tenacity, ambition, and talent in spades, Kadeem gives his all to make his goals come true, including several hours of sleep.

“I would rather die than to not ever try to go for the dream that I have for myself and those around me,” he declares. “I am willing to sacrifice sleep in order to obtain my highest level of success.”

At 29, Kadeem’s dedication to his craft is transparent in his work. As an active social media influencer on TikTok and Instagram, the rising star has been showing the world that he is capable of taking on any role and embodying any character.

Working with his principle that “hard work with talent wins over just hard work any day,” the committed artist has been posting at least five clips on Instagram in a day and attracting increasing attention in the hundreds following his account.

His unrelenting drive and persistence are awe-inducing and are held as a source of healthy motivation. With his growing influence, Kadeem hopes to encourage individuals to go for their dreams as he has for his. 

“You have to know within yourself that what comes out of you is worth millions,” he reminds them. “It just takes the right person to see the potential in your humble beginnings.”

Learn more about Kadeem Brown and the relentless pursuit of his dreams. Follow the brilliant star off to conquer the entertainment industry on Instagram and visit his profile on AllCasting.com.

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